Watermill is a laboratory for performance founded by Robert Wilson as a unique environment for young and emerging artists from around the world to explore new ideas.

The model Watermill Center is based on a cooperation between Robert Wilson and 100-150 mostly young artists, working on the basis of a scholarship during 4 weeks in summer, creating new ideas and designs for specific projects of Robert Wilson.

Projects of different arts like theatre, opera, architecture and landscape architecture are developed side by side.


Ein Gespräch mit Barbara Wally

Die Sommerakademie als Unterrichtsmodell zusätzlich bzw. im Gegensatz zu den Kunstakademien entstand in Amerika, als in den Jahren vor und während des zweiten Weltkrieges viele wichtige Künstler des deutschsprachigen Raumes, wie zum Beispiel Max Beckmann oder Hans Hoffmann emigrieren mussten, aber dort keine Professuren an den Akademien bekommen konnten. Darunter waren auch viele Künstler aus dem Bauhaus. Nur wenigen gelang es im Black Mountain College unterzukommen, welches sich der interdisziplinären Ausbildung der verschiedenen Künste verschrieben hat. Dort waren Künstler wie John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Walter Gropius, Willem de Kooning und Cy Twombly.

A joint event with Wolf Werdigier | painter and
Robert Pobitschka | pianist & composer  

A model, which can be described between Summer Academy and Artist in Residency was tested in Drosendorf, a castle near the Austrian-Czech border.

An old factory area in an outer district of Leipzig with its typical 19th century brick buildings and open space in between is used by top galleries of Germany as permanent exhibition space, as well as ateliers for artists and entertainment, events, discotheques and all kinds of meetings. Three times a year during a weekend the whole area is transformed into an event space between high end gallery presentations and grassroot art exhibitions.
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