Experimental Laboratory

Painting and Performance

Photography and Performance

Dates: June 23 – June 30, 2020

With today’s integration of the different arts like painting, sculpture, photography, performative arts, etc. in one single art system, the artist herself/himself physically becomes part of the art world. He takes a physical role of performance within the arts

The directness and efficacy of performance are clearly the attraction and when connected to the visual makes for a compelling, invigorating and particularly unique experience.

The connections between performance and the visual arts go way back in time across several world cultures. South Africa provides enough evidence of the inextricable link amongst art forms: dance, sound, ritual and image intersect with ease in the classical arts of the Khoi, San and the Nguni people.

In contemporary cultures Performance Art emerges in the late nineteenth century, in many instances as a political, anarchic intervention and confrontation: Dadaism and Futurism epitomized these movements, challenging middle class values of stifling categories and definitive standards.

The performance workshops of the Summer Academy are designed to develop performance work amongst artists who have an interest in performance in relationship to their “classical” art work and want to extend their ideas further.

The workshops provide some of the necessary tools for the experimentation, improvisation, conception, execution and refinement of ideas in performance art alongside with painting, sculpture, photography and all other arts such as

  • the use of the body and rhythm in performance
  • space, architecture, site- responsive and site specific work
  • accessing sense and emotional memory in conceptual work
  • the use of mixed media and projection
  • the use of light and sound
  • and the 'framing' of performance

Teaching Professor: Jay Pather, Cape Town

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